Alternative viewpoint

While A.A. with its 12-step approach has helped millions of people over the last 60-plus years, but there is no evidence that A.A. is better than other approaches for everyone.
Some people just don't find A.A. attractive or constructive for their particular situations.
based on recent research, people don't join A.A. or find it helpful because of many diverse reasons:
"It's just a substitute dependency."
"It's too religious."
"There is too much dogma."
"I don't feel I fit in."
"My problem isn't as bad as theirs."
"I haven't hit my bottom and I don't want to wait until then to make a change."
"They say I am powerless, but I feel I'm not powerless."
"It's like a cult."
"I don't feel I am an alcoholic" "I don't have an addiction."


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